Here are some FAQ's that might be helpful.

What's it like?

We are a relaxed bunch of people who gather on a Sunday morning to connect and worship God. We have screens in each location so you know what's happening throughout the service. There is a typical flow to each morning, and the worship leader usually helps by inviting people to stand or sit as things progress. Sometimes there are several musicians, sometimes the choir sings, and sometimes just the piano is played. There are times of silence, times where people are invited to join in, and there is always singing...but don't worry...if you don't sing you don't have to!

The two locations are different in feel.

The 1924 heritage church on IOCO Road is a traditional little church with pews. It's really pretty with stained glass windows and a real bell in the steeple, and it looks like something out of a museum! Because it's smaller, we have to cozy up in the pews and make room for people, and not as many musicians fit at the front. This space has a spiritual feel to it and is a very special visual experience. We have screens there too for the programming, and there is a lovely hall downstairs for coffee and cookie time after. There is also an outdoor play yard for children, and sometimes we have educational events and other activities in this lovely little church. Our primary worship space is in our NEW building.

Our Spring Street location is much roomier! It's a big room with chairs and more space for a band of often people bring their instruments and join in. We set chairs up in different configurations depending on what we are doing, and sometimes we sit at tables to worship (cafe-style), especially if we are doing a craft or having a lunch after. This space has more kitchen capacity too, so we use it for luncheons and meetings and other activities. This space has a completely different feel to it, but is still very much "church" in more of a community-connection way than in a traditional way.

We will sometimes be at our heritage site and sometimes at our modern site...and we really feel blessed with abundance to be able to have both spaces to worship in.


Can I just show up?


Just check to be sure which location we are at this week so you go to the right place. MOST of the time we will be at The Springs, but on occasion we will be at our Ioco Road site.

We also offer a live-streaming YouTube option so that you can join us virtually, too. There is usually a host in the chat to answer questions and take prayer requests online. We welcome YOU in whatever way works for you to join us!

And, by the way, who you love does not factor in to how welcome you are, ever. You are welcome...ALL of you, always!


What about my kids?

Kids are always welcome. We don't have separate children's programming at this time, but always have a craft and colouring table set up, and we don't mind "kid-noise" at all! We have a few children and sometimes babies and toddlers and teens and sometimes only we are very happy whenever young humans join us.


Where do I park?

At The Springs site, there is free street parking down the side streets (Elgin and Queens Streets) and we also have a parkade on Sundays just off Spring Street that we can use. If you are coming during the week, please park in the designated  "Church" spots on the second level to the right at the end...just read the signs as we share space with our partners in the complex.

At IOCO there is a parking lot beside the church, and when that is full, there is all sorts of street parking next to the green space just across the road and down from the church.



Inlet at The Springs is a fully accessible site, with outdoor ramps, an elevator and accessible bathrooms.

IOCO has a ramp outside on the parking lot side that leads into the lower hall, and a stair lift inside the lower hall that can transport people up the stairs on a mororized chair, however there are a couple of steps at the top of the stairs and a couple of steps into the sanctuary that need to be navigated, so it is unfortunately not properly or fully accessible.


What do I wear?

Whatever you are comfortable in. We have kids in soccer gear, adults in dress clothes or in casual comfort...jeans are fine too, there is no dress code.

Come as you are and be comfortable.


What should I bring?

Just yourself.


We have a wooden "offering box" inside the worship space at both sites and we have an online Giving page (below) explains all the various ways you can give if you so choose. Giving is a faith-response, and so if you find something here that nourishes you, you are welcome to respond with volunteer time, talent, energy and/or money.

We don't pass the plate during the service (except at Christmas and Easter) and we don't expect tithing. We do invite you to share what you can and want to. ALL financial gifts go toward the operation and ministry of Inlet United Church.

If you'd like to make a donation before the service starts, you are welcome to do that, but it is not expected. For more information, see this: Giving to Inlet


How long are the services?

Roughly one hour. Sometimes they go a little longer, but not much. Then there is a coffee and tea (and goodies) time after that you are most welcome to stay for. This is where we can connect and get to know you and we are always happy to answer any questions that might help you to get to know us better too.

Once a month we have a Communion service, where we invite people to take part in the bread (gluten free) and juice (we use grape juice or most often, actual grapes!) in remembrance of the Last Supper. There are NO restrictions as to who can participate. It is Jesus' table, and YOU are welcome at it, no matter what. Children are as well. We usually have Communion the first Sunday of the month, and sometimes that makes the service a few minutes longer than one hour.


How can I get connected?

Lots of ways!

You can stay for coffee after and get to know someone.

There is a form you can complete if you wish to be added to the email list so that you can receive the weekly announcements and info on what's happening at Inlet. You can speak to any of the leaders (ministers, Music Director,  readers, people helping with the service) to get a form if that is of interest.

If you wish to book a coffee visit with the minister, you can do that by asking her in person or calling the office or marking that on the above mentioned form. Sometimes it's easier to ask questions and get to know more about the church in a one-to-one setting, and our minister is very happy to accommodate that.

Please see our "About" page for more information and sign up for our weekly newsletter at the bottom of this website to keep up with all that is going on at Inlet.

We hope you will come and check us out!